Sunday 31 August 2008

goodbye august

Okay, take two.

I had originally thought of writing a summary of the month of August and so started making a list of words, descriptions of what I have done, seen and been this month. The intention was to expand it out into sentences and pithy witticisms. Then I decided I would leave a list of nouns, the occasional verbs and probably no adjectives - the list would be the blog posting for readers to do with as they must. Then I discovered I had mainly written weather terms so scrapped the whole lot, wrote 'Okay, take two' and tried to explain myself.

Goodbye August, month of my birthday, bringer of rain, of thunder, of rejection from another gatekeeper of the publishing industry. Farewell month of new world sporting records (not to be listed here since I do not cover sport) and month of vast (but not record breaking) torrential downpours.

Tomorrow, the local leisure centre will reopen its children's pool, in time for most of them to go back to school. A slightly shorter month with much to contain, a higher concentration of activities. N will begin at nursery (assuming we get around to paying the fees in time). I will continue to send my beloved writings to be poked at (or ignored) by weary and disillusioned readers and editors, desperately searching for the gem in the slush pile while knowing that they will probably not find it - most likely it is not there but it is oh, so easily missed.

Submissions departments are forever playing 'Deal Or No Deal' without Noel to cajole them or the banker to taunt them. The quarter-million box is unlikely to be on their table, the other guests on the show know nothing either and the chances are that the big prize will slip through their fingers. Only Noel and the banker consistently win and, in the real world, neither one would allow themselves to be seen, eschewing publicity for a snout deeply buried in the trough.

September will bring positivity, a renewed effort and a reduction in postings which grotesquely mock an industry which has not yet let me in. Well, for the first day or two anyway.

There has been no writing on this blog for several days due to a toxic mixture of laziness, inertia and other distractions which I shall not list here. September will bring a more regular programme of writing. Well, for the first day or two anyway.

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