Thursday, 26 September 2013

Worst possible ending for Breaking Bad


Walter walks into [whichever location], armed with [weapon].

Much indistinct shouting, followed by the sound of much gunfire.
The camera does not follow him and the screen fades to black.

During blackout, gunfire sound morphs into MRI knocking sounds.

FADE UP on Walter emerging from MRI tube. It's the season 1 Walter (hair, moustache, etc).

RADIOLOGIST: Well, good news Walter. It was just a chest infection after all. No sign of any cancer.

WALTER: Great! Because while I was in there I worked out what would happen if I DID have lung cancer and, oh my goodness, it doesn't go well.

RADIOLOGIST: You have a nice day now.

CUT to exterior. Street scene.

Walter is driving in his season 1 car (an Aztec). As he drives through Albuquerque, he passes pretty much everyone who has died in the show over the past five seasons. They are, of course, all alive and well.

Walter waves to the people he knows.


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